01.11.16 {If we’re talking body…}

My weight is something that has always been an issue for me. It flunctuates up, down, an all around. And I hate it. 

In the last two years I’ve put on a significant amount of weight. I look in the mirror some days and I don’t recognize the person staring back at me. She’s wide and flabby and saggy. That’s not what I’m supposed to look like. I’m supposed to look fabulous.

Truth is, I don’t look like myself anymore and enough is enough. I’m tired of feeling insecure all of the time. I hate feeling like I’m not enough because of the number on the scale and the size of my waist. 

So I’ve decided to make a life style change and I’m going to use this blog as a way of holding myself responsible. Every time I feel like giving up I’m going to go back and look at this post and remind myself of why I’m doing what I’m doing.

I’m choosing to be open about this because I can’t do it on my own. I need help and support from my friends and family. And I also know that somewhere out there, there is probably someone going through the same things as me and maybe knowing someone else out there is struggling will help them too.

I want to love my body. I want to feel comfortable in the skin I’m in. I want to walk into the mall and not have to worry about whether a store will carry my size. So my journey begins today. This is it. This is me. And this is happening. 

01.02.16 {Hi, I’m New Here}

New! Good? Bad? 

I’ve always liked the word new. To me, new has always meant shiny, untouched, and perfect. With all the changes that have happened in my life recently new now means scary, change, no clue what is going on.

New job; I love my new job, don’t get me wrong, but when is the feeling of “Oh my God did I do this right?” going to fade away? Will it ever fade away? Am I just screwed?

New house; let me clarify, my house isn’t brand spanking new and had been well lived in before I ever got here. When I moved in with Jason back in October it was a hot damn mess. I’ve tried and tried and tried but it is like no matter what I do it is still a hot damn mess. Granted, we live in an old tiny trailer by the lake so it is never going to be my “dream home” but the anxiety I get by trying to make it my dream home is enough to put a person on medication! I never had any idea that putting a home together would be so hard!

New relationship; Our relationship isn’t brand new anymore so the honeymoon phase is definitely over and that has made this a new relationship all over again. I thought I knew absolutely everything about Jason when we made the decision to live together and I was dead wrong. I knew all the surface stuff (like his favorite color, TV shows, movies, etc.) but what I didn’t know is that the man leaves his socks in a pile by his bed  and has a fondness for letting dishes pile up in the sink. This is now a whole new ballgame. My perfect boyfriend isn’t perfect after all.

It might seem like I’m complaining (and maybe I am just a little) but even with all this new territory ahead of me I’ve never been happier. I love going to a job where I’m my own boss in a sense, I love having a home to call my own, and most of all I love who I share it with but I’m ready to feel settled. However, I don’t think that will be happening anytime soon. So I’m making the decision to fully embrace my new life in the new yea! And simply hoping I don’t mess up too much.


Welcome to Life As I Know It!

I’m so excited to be creating my blog. When I sat out to do this I had one goal in mind; make it relatable. In a sea of blogs dedicated to beauty tips, styling tricks, and pinterest perfect crafting I’m striving to stand out. Truth is, I burn most of my pinterest recipes, I don’t have time to craft, my hair falls everyday, and I don’t know how the hell to contour my face. All in all, my life is imperfectly perfect and my blog will be a reflection of that.

So, this blog is for the mishaps, the hot messes, and the complete muddle that is my mid-twenties. Welcome to my life ya’ll and have a laugh on me.
