01.11.16 {If we’re talking body…}

My weight is something that has always been an issue for me. It flunctuates up, down, an all around. And I hate it. 

In the last two years I’ve put on a significant amount of weight. I look in the mirror some days and I don’t recognize the person staring back at me. She’s wide and flabby and saggy. That’s not what I’m supposed to look like. I’m supposed to look fabulous.

Truth is, I don’t look like myself anymore and enough is enough. I’m tired of feeling insecure all of the time. I hate feeling like I’m not enough because of the number on the scale and the size of my waist. 

So I’ve decided to make a life style change and I’m going to use this blog as a way of holding myself responsible. Every time I feel like giving up I’m going to go back and look at this post and remind myself of why I’m doing what I’m doing.

I’m choosing to be open about this because I can’t do it on my own. I need help and support from my friends and family. And I also know that somewhere out there, there is probably someone going through the same things as me and maybe knowing someone else out there is struggling will help them too.

I want to love my body. I want to feel comfortable in the skin I’m in. I want to walk into the mall and not have to worry about whether a store will carry my size. So my journey begins today. This is it. This is me. And this is happening. 

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